This guide provides instructions on how to use the in-app chat messaging feature on the Sounding Board platform. Users in coaching or mentoring engagements can chat with each other, and company admins can initiate chats with users. The guide also provides tips and suggestions for utilizing chat effectively, such as sharing resources, capturing session notes, and initiating discussions. It also explains how to edit or delete messages and how chat availability is linked to active engagements.
Interactive Walkthrough
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Written Walkthrough
1. Navigate to and log in.
Users who are in a coaching or mentoring engagement together (coach, coachee, mentor, mentee) have the ability to chat in-app while their engagement is active. Chat can be used to communicate about coaching and/or mentoring engagements, such as scheduling or goal progression.
Company Admins have the ability to initiate and then chat with users who have the roles of coach, coachee, mentor, mentee, or manager.
Note: Users who are in an active engagement will be able to chat with the other user(s) in that engagement. Once an engagement has finished, users can no longer chat in the Sounding Board platform.
2. Navigate to the “Chat” section on the left-hand navigation panel
3. Chats Side Panel
In the Chats side panel, you will find a list of all the chats you have available, including any previous chats from past engagements.
You can easily navigate between them by selecting the user or group name associated with each chat. Additionally, there is a search function available to help you find specific chats.
💡 Tip: New Chat Notification
If you are logged into the system, you will receive a small pop-up notification alerting you of the new message when it is sent to you. If you are not logged into the application, you will receive an email alerting you, and when you next log in, you will see a notification badge if you have an unread message.
4. Message Composition
While composing a message, you have the flexibility to utilize formatting for better presentation.
To start a new paragraph without sending the message, simply press "Shift + Enter."
These both allow for clearer communication and enhanced readability in your chats.
💡 Tip: In-App Chat Tips and Suggestions
Engaging in chat conversations can foster deeper relationships, facilitate action on ideas, and generate momentum.
Utilize chat to revisit topics discussed during sessions, whether it's to provide accountability for proposed actions, seek input before a one-on-one with a supervisor, or brainstorm strategies for implementing new skills in the workplace. - Seamlessly share and attach resources in various formats, including BMP, CSV, DOM, DOCX, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PDF, PNG, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, and ZIP formats, as well as share URL links.
Acknowledge and celebrate new learnings or achievements related to ongoing goals.
Capture and recap session notes and action items through chat, providing an efficient means for quick sharing and just-in-time feedback. - Initiate discussions on topics to be addressed in upcoming sessions through chat.
Employ chat as a standard communication tool, ensuring responses during business hours and, at a minimum, within a 24-hour timeframe of receiving a message.
5. Message Composition
Once your message is composed, you can send it by clicking the send button or by pressing "Enter" on your keyboard.
6. Editing or Deleting Messages
If you need to edit a message you've sent, click on the three-dot icon next to the message. From the dropdown menu,
- Select "Edit Message" to make changes or
- "Delete" to remove the message entirely
7. Editing or Deleting Messages
Once you're done editing your message, click the send button to confirm and finalize the edits.
If no changes are required, simply click the "x" icon to close the edit box.
🚨 Alert: Chat Availability
The chat functionality is linked to active engagement(s) for coaches, coachees, mentors, and mentees; this means that if you receive an extension and have a new engagement, you will have a new chat available. The old chat will display that the previous engagement has ended to let you know you should go to the active chat to communicate.
Admin Chat Initiation - People Table
8. Admin Chat Initiation
Admins also have the ability to initiate chats via the People table -
Navigate to the “Admin” section on the left-hand navigation panel and
Click and expand "Company" and
Click "People"
9. Admin Chat Initiation
Locate the user you would like to chat with (coach, coachee, mentor, mentee, or manager), and scroll to the right -
- Click the action menu (⋮ icon)
- Click "Chat with User"
10. Chat with User
There is now an active chat available for you to utilize, as outlined previously.