Mentoring Updates
Mentoring Insights Updates
- Mentoring Insights dashboard is now divided in three tabs: "Engagement", "Development", and "Impact"
- Updated chart colors
- In the Session Utilization section of the Engagement tab, added new "Scheduled Sessions" and "Complete Sessions" cards
- In the Session Utilization section of the Engagement tab, added a new report called "Session Status Overview" that provides a monthly breakdown of all engagement sessions by status.
- In the Mentor Capacity section of the Engagement tab, added new "Mentors with Available Capacity", "Available Mentor Capacity", "Average Mentees per Mentor" , and "Average Mentor Capacity" cards
- In the Mentor Capacity section of the Engagement tab, updated the visualization of the "Mentee to Mentor Ratio" report
- In the Development Focus Areas section of Development tab, added "Development Focus: Leadership Capabilities" and "Development Focus: Expertise" charts
- In the Mentoring Experience section of the Impact tab, added "Mentee Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship" and "Mentor Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship" charts
- In the Leadership Development Section of the Impact tab, added "Mentee and Mentor Perceptions of Job Performance" chart
- In the Leadership Development Section of the Impact tab, added "Mentee Perceptions of Being Challenged to Grow as a Leader" chart
- In the Leadership Development Section of the Impact tab, added "Mentor Perceptions of Leadership Development" chart
For further information, see Mentoring Insights Dashboard.
Engagement End Dates
- Engagement end dates for mentoring can now be modified in the bulk user tools and will accurately update the mentoring engagement's status.
For further information, see How to Bulk Update Engagements.
- Mentor and mentees can now schedule sessions in the past (when the relevant add-on is enabled)
Group Coaching Updates
- Group coaching engagements can now be launched without requiring sessions to be scheduled
- Admins can add, schedule, and reschedule sessions before and after launch if max sessions are not reached
Updated the tooltip attached to the + Schedule Session button when it's disabled for group coaching to provide clearer context on why a user may not be able to schedule