In-App Chat [BASE]
Users can stay connected in between sessions to maintain and build a deeper relationship, follow up on a topic discussed during a session, recap notes or action items, celebrate learnings or accomplishments, or share resources to enhance the engagement.
When a user is in a 1:1 coaching, group coaching, or mentoring engagement, a private chat is created between the users of the engagement where all chat messages remain confidential.
Attaching files [BASE]
- Users have the ability to attach a file to send through chat.
Deleting chat messages [BASE]
- Users have the ability to delete a chat message if needed.
Editing chat messages [BASE]
- Users have the ability to edit a chat message that they have sent if needed.
In-app and email notifications [BASE]
- When a user receives a chat message, they will receive a notification in-app. If the user is not active in the software at the time that they receive the chat, they will also receive an email notification informing them of a new chat message.
Admin Ability to Chat with Users [BASE]
Admins can stay within the Sounding Board platform to manage and communicate with users on any questions, action items, or information they'd like to share with users related to the engagement.
Admins have the ability to initiate a chat with a user in the platform by searching for the desired user in their chat list or from the action menu in the People table. Users will receive the chat in their chat messages and can reply to the admin, as needed.
Slack Integration [OPTIONAL]
Allows users to use their existing communication tool to receive notifications about communication in their engagements, creating a seamless flow of communication as the user is receiving notifications in the communication channel that they frequently use.
Users can be notified in Slack when they have received a chat message and can click a link to view the message in the SB platform. Users cannot send messages via the Slack integration. Users cannot read messages via the Slack integration.
* Available as an optional add-on to a customer's contract for any module that utilizes chat.