This guide explains the importance of completing or editing your coach bio on the Sounding Board platform. A well-crafted coach bio helps inform the coachee's selection process, especially in programs with coachee-driven matching. It provides information about your coaching style, leadership experience, expertise, and personal background. Coachees can review your coach bio before selecting their coach. Completing the coach bio is separate from the coach profile, which is relevant for programs with admin-driven matching.
Interactive Walkthrough
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Written Walkthrough
1. Navigate to and log in as a coach.
In certain programs, coachees actively participate in the selection process of their coach with the help of our AI-powered coach-matching algorithm. The coach bio is a place to highlight key information about yourself, coaching style, leadership experience, etc., making this a crucial element to help inform the coachee's selection.
We recommend that as a coach, you complete your coach bio after you've completed the onboarding process and your coach profile.
2. Navigate to your Coach Bio
In the upper right- hand corner, click Your Name, and then
- Click "Account Settings"
- Navigate to the "Coach Bio" tab
3. Coach Bio
When filling out the coach bio, you’ll be asked to complete the following sections, potentially with guidance from your program administrator:
- Leadership Coaching Style: Write 1-2 lines about your core coaching capabilities and how you support leaders in their growth and development.
- Leadership Experience: List your leadership experience(s) here, including the highest level at which you led and in what industries.
- Leadership Expertise: List what you do well or are highly skilled at within leadership coaching, specifically focusing on how you develop leaders within a coaching engagement. Be mindful of capturing areas that will seem relevant to the level of leaders you are coaching.
- About Me: List 2-3 sentences about yourself that you would like potential coachees to know or understand about you, which might not be captured in the above information.
💡 Tip: When Will the Coachee See Your Coach Bio
In certain programs, coachees actively participate in the selection process of their coach through our AI-powered coach-matching algorithm. They can learn more about you as a coach through your coach bio, which is a crucial element in the selection process.
When coachees are enrolled in programs with coachee-driven matching, they will access their dashboard to find the top three coaches recommended to them based on factors such as match rate, time zone, and language compatibility. At this stage, coachees can review your coach bio and make their selection.
It's important to note that while the initial presentation includes the top three coaches, coachees also have the option to explore additional coaches if they are interested in viewing other options outside of the top three matches. Therefore, it is essential to highlight key information about yourself, coaching style, leadership experience, etc., to help inform the coachee's selection.
4. Coach Bio
Once you have completed or made the necessary updates to your coach bio -
- Click "Save"
💡 Tip: Coach Bio vs. Coach Profile
As discussed above, the coach bio is relevant for programs with coachee-driven matching as it allows coachees to learn more about you to help inform the selection process. The coach profile is relevant for programs with admin-driven matching as the extensive coach profile allows the admin to take a deep dive into your background to match you with the best possible coachees. Check out Complete Your Coach Profile for more information.