Mentoring Profile Reminder
- Mentors and Mentees will receive email reminders every few days, if they have not completed their mentoring profile.
For further information, see Software Notifications.
Mentoring Insights Updates
- Added “Mentee Session Activity” and “Mentor Session Activity” to Mentoring Admins Insights. Displays the average number of sessions per mentee and mentor for all statuses (scheduled, completed, cancelled, unlogged).
- Renamed the chart for Top Specialties from Top Specialties to Areas of Expertise. And made additional updates to better visualize the data.
For further information, see Mentoring Insights Dashboard.
Admin Ability to Chat with Users
- Admins now have the ability to chat with any coach, coachee, mentor, mentee, or manager user in their workspace and the user can reply to the admin’s chats.
- Admins can utilize the chat to reach out to specific users about outstanding surveys, action items, or information they'd like to share related to their program or engagement.
For further information, see In-App Chat Messaging.
Ability to Duplicate Surveys
- Admins now have the ability to create a duplicate of an existing survey from the Surveys List.
For further information, see Building Surveys.
Indicator for Outstanding Surveys
- Users will now be more aware of any outstanding surveys they may have. In the "My Surveys" left hand navigation, users will see an indicator with a number of their incomplete surveys.
For further information, see My Surveys.