Calendar Double-booking
Some users have highlighted challenges that Sounding Board has double-booked them. If this has happened to you, we suggest confirming and reviewing your availability and calendar syncing.
If there is a challenge with your calendar syncing, you will see details as outlined in Cronofy Synced Calendar Error.
No Availability to Schedule Sessions
Engagement users can schedule sessions with each other within the parameters of their Engagement. Sessions cannot be booked beyond the total session count and cannot be scheduled beyond the Engagement end date.
If sessions and time remain in the Engagement, but there is no availability showing between the coach and coachee, then it is likely there is something blocking availability on one of the synced calendars. Our scheduling tool employs a sophisticated algorithm to facilitate the arrangement of sessions by seeking mutual availability; the scheduling functionality looks for mutual availability between the users' working hours in Sounding Board and what time is free on all of the synced calendars.
If there is no mutual availability between you and the user you are scheduling with, you will see the message below, and we recommend that you navigate to future months as suggested. We also recommend that you reach out to the user to see if there is the possibility of making time by adjusting availability, etc.
Common Challenges
- Blocking time for sessions to be scheduled on synced calendars
- Syncing shared calendars with blocked time
- All-day (busy) events on synced calendars
If all your calendars seem to be added as expected, we recommend adding individual calendars under "included calendars" instead of the "All" option. Once this is done, take "Save new rules."
For users utilizing Gmail or Google Workspace Calendars, it's important to note that when you add "Other Calendars," to your primary calendar, your calendar events will be visually overlayed, but the additional calendar events will not automatically block your availability in Sounding Board.
We recommend syncing all calendars directly in Sounding Board.
How to Confirm Availability
You can see the availability of users you are connected to on the platform. For example, if you are a coachee, you can see your coach's availability, and vice versa, as long as the user has a calendar synced.
Based on the user's working hours and synced calendars, you will see blue blocks when they are free, and a session could be booked.
If you have a calendar synced, you can also see what availability will be offered for you when scheduling sessions.
Interactive Walkthrough
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Written Walkthrough
1. Navigate to and log in.
2. Navigate to the User's Profile - My Contacts
For coaching, your dashboard will have a "My contacts" option -
- Click The User's Avatar
3. Navigate to the User's Profile - My Mentor/Mentee
For mentoring, your dashboard will have a "My Mentor(s)" and/or "My Mentee(s)" option -
- Click "Read more"
- Click "View Full Profile"
4. Navigate to the User's Profile - Hyperlink
Wherever in the application you have a hyperlink to your for a user, you can -
- Click Their Name Hyperlink
5. Navigate to Your Profile
In the upper right-hand corner, click Your Name, and then -
- Click "View Profile"
6. Availability Tab
Navigate to the Availability tab -
- Click "Availability"
7. View Availability
You will see the current week populate, where any time that is available will show in blue.
When trying to schedule a session, the system will only display time when both you and the other user are mutually available (shown in blue here). This is why reviewing availability is so useful for users.
8. View Availability
By default, the time zone being displayed is the user's time zone from their settings, which is vital to note when considering mutual availability.
You can navigate further into the future as needed, one week at a time.