Calendar Syncing and User Experience
At Sounding Board, we are committed to providing a seamless and efficient experience for all user... -
An Introduction to Calendars and Scheduling
The Sounding Board Platform is used by leaders, coaches, and other users to schedule virtual sess... -
Cronofy Calendar Integration
The Sounding Board Platform is used by coaches, coachees, mentors, and mentees to schedule virtua... -
Syncing Your Calendar and Updating Your Calendar Settings
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to sync your calendar with Sounding Board. B... -
Updating Your Primary Calendar
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to update your primary calendar on the Sound... -
Calendar and Scheduling Troubleshooting
Calendar Double-booking Some users have highlighted challenges that Sounding Board has double-boo... -
Cronofy Synced Calendar Error
This guide provides essential troubleshooting steps for resolving issues with the Cronofy calenda... -
How to Block Availability from a Linked Calendar
This guide is essential for anyone looking to effectively manage their availability on the Soundi...