This guide provides insights on how to navigate and utilize the Mentoring Insights Dashboards on the Sounding Board platform. It shows different tabs and sections that offer valuable information about the status of mentoring programs, user activity, development progress, and the impact of the mentoring program. It also highlights areas for optimization and expansion, provides data on mentor and mentee profiles, and showcases feedback and perceptions from both mentors and mentees. This guide is useful for administrators, sponsors, and stakeholders who want to understand the progress and impact of mentoring programs within their organization.
Interactive Walkthrough
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Written Walkthrough
1. Navigate to and log in as an Admin, Sponsor or Stakeholder.
Sponsors, Stakeholders, and Admins (user roles) have a Dashboard that shows essential information about the status of mentoring at their organization, helping them understand the progress and impact of programs.
Sponsors and Admins in the system will see the details for all engagements, while Stakeholders will only see data for engagements that they are linked to.
If you expect to see this dashboard but cannot, you likely need additional user permissions. Please contact your Admin for the necessary permissions.
2. Navigate to your Company or Admin Dashboard.
For more details, see Toggling Multi-Role Dashboards: Sounding Board Access.
3. Program Overview
At the top, you will see a summary of all the programs you manage, showing
- Program Title
- Program Type
- Start Date
- Status
- Active Engagement Count
4. Mentoring Insights Dashboard Overview
The mentoring insights dashboard is organized into three distinct tabs, each focusing on different aspects of the mentoring program:
Engagement Tab
Provides insights on user engagement in mentoring, including:
- Mentoring sessions
- Mentoring requests
- User profile activity
Provides insights on user engagement in mentoring, including:
Development Tab
- Focuses on Leadership Roadmap goals
- Offers insights into mentees' progress and development
Impact Tab
- Presents insights based on mentoring users' survey responses
- Demonstrates the overall impact of the mentoring program
5. Mentoring Insights Dashboard Filtering
The mentoring insights dashboard can be filtered by Program.
- Click "Filters"
- Select the Program(s)
- Close the side-panel
To remove any filters -
- Click the ✖️ (remove x) button on the Program Name chip OR
- Click "Filters" and "Reset Filters"
🚨 Alert: Insights from Surveys
Sounding Board empowers customers with a science-backed evaluation methodology to monitor program health, track leader development, and demonstrate the impact of these initiatives on your organization. Our pre-designed, core survey experiences support the 5 levels of measurement evaluation, offering a comprehensive 180-degree view of your leader development experiences.
Our insights dashboards leverage this pre-configured survey data, presenting it on easy-to-read cards for quick visualization. It's important to note that custom surveys or individual questions created don't automatically populate these dashboards; we've carefully mapped specific questions from the core surveys and their answers to display the most relevant information.
This curation process ensures you receive pertinent, actionable data tailored to enhance the effectiveness of your coaching programs. By streamlining administration and reporting through in-app insights aligned with our evaluation methodology, we provide you with valuable, easily accessible information to maximize the benefits of your coaching initiatives.
Moving forward, any card data pulled directly from core surveys will be marked with ⚠️.
Engagement Tab
6. Engagement - Session Utilization
This section shows details regarding active users, engagements, and session utilization across all active programs. This overview helps in monitoring trends, identifying patterns, and assessing the overall health of the mentoring program's session activities.
- Active Mentors - Count of Mentors who are in active engagements
- Active Mentees - Count of Mentees who are in active engagements
- Active Engagements - Count of active engagements
- Mentees in Active Engagements -Percentage of Mentees in the system who are in an active engagement.
- Mentors in Active Engagements - Percentage of Mentors in the system who are in an active engagement.
- Completed Sessions - Total number of sessions in engagements that have been completed to date for active and completed engagements.
- Scheduled Sessions - Total number of sessions currently scheduled in the system for active and completed engagements.
- Mentee Average Session Rating ⚠️ - Average Mentee rating based on responses to “Please rate today’s mentoring session” question from the Mentoring Checkpoint surveys (every session).
- Mentor Average Session Rating ⚠️ - Average Mentor rating based on responses to “Please rate today’s mentoring session” question from the Mentoring Checkpoint surveys (every session).
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
7. Engagement - Session Utilization (cont.)
- Session Status Overview - This card provides a monthly breakdown of all engagement sessions by status. It allows users to track the progression of sessions over time, categorized by their current status (e.g., scheduled, completed, canceled).
💡 Tip: Session Status Tip!
To ensure all sessions are accurately recorded and to obtain a clearer view of the completed sessions, please remind your mentors to log their sessions. Here’s an article that can help -
8. Engagement - Session Utilization (cont.)
- Session Status Breakdown: Mentee - Displays the average number of sessions per mentee for all session statuses (scheduled, completed, cancelled, unlogged) within active engagements.
- Session Status Breakdown: Mentor - Displays the average number of sessions per mentor for all session statuses (scheduled, completed, cancelled, unlogged) within active engagements.
Each card displays the average number of sessions in each status category.
9. Engagement - Mentor Capacity
These cards provide a comprehensive overview of mentor capacity, utilization, and distribution across functional areas, offering insights into the current state of mentoring within the organization and highlighting potential areas for optimization or expansion.
- Mentors with Available Capacity - Displays the count of mentors who can take on additional mentees.
- Available Mentor Capacity - Represents the total number of additional mentee slots available across all mentors.
- Average Mentees per Mentor - Shows the current average number of mentees assigned to each mentor.
- Average Mentor Capacity - Indicates the typical number of mentees a mentor can mentor.
- Mentee to Mentor Ratio - Breakdown of how many mentees mentors have in active engagements.
- Mentors by Functional Area - Based on the mentors' Functional Experience set in their account for mentors in active and/or completed engagements.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
10. Engagement - User Profiles
These cards offer a comprehensive view of the mentoring program, showing profile completion rates for both mentors and mentees (regardless of engagement status), as well as the alignment between mentor expertise and mentee development needs in leadership capabilities and specific areas of expertise.
- Mentor Profile Status 🔍[[ ]]- The breakdown of mentors who have or have not completed their mentor profile.
- Mentee Profile Status 🔍[[ ]]- The breakdown of mentees who have or have not completed their mentee profile.
🆕 Both of these cards have “drill down” functionality noted with 🔍[[ ]]. Admins can click on these cards to open table with user name, email, profile completion status, and program.
11. Engagement - Mentoring Requests
These cards provide key metrics for your mentoring program; they help you track engagement levels and identify potential bottlenecks in the mentoring process.
- Open Mentoring Requests - This card displays the total number of pending mentoring requests in the open enrollment program. An open request is one that a mentee has sent to a mentor but has not yet received a response.
- Average Mentor Request Response Time - This card shows the average time, in days, that mentors take to respond to mentee requests across all mentors in the program.
Note: You will only see this section and cards if your company utilizes an open enrollment mentoring program.
Development Tab
12. Development - Development Focus Areas
The Development Focus Areas section provides a comprehensive overview of the alignment between mentor expertise and mentee development goals across leadership capabilities, highlighting areas of high demand and potential capability gaps in the mentoring program. This section shows all users on the platform, and is not linked to engagements or programs in any way.
- Development Focus: Leadership Capabilities - Contrasts the percentage of mentors specializing in specific leadership capabilities with the percentage of mentees aiming to develop those same capabilities. Rows are ranked by the combined total of mentor expertise and mentee demand, highlighting the most prominent leadership capabilities within the mentoring ecosystem and revealing potential areas of alignment or mismatch.
Note: You will see the top 5, but can see more by tapping the "View All" option. Also, you can hover to see further details on visuals.
13. Development - Development Focus Areas (cont.)
- Development Focus: Expertise - Compares the percent of mentors specializing in specific areas of expertise against the percentage of mentees seeking development in those domains. Rows are ordered by the combined total of mentor availability and mentee interest, showcasing the most in-demand and well-supported capabilities areas within the mentoring program and highlighting potential opportunities or gaps.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
14. Development - Leadership Roadmap Goals
This section shows details relating to the Leadership Roadmap statistics for mentees in active and completed engagements. You can see the count of -
- Average Goals per User
- Managers Who Have Suggested Goals
This section also displays -
- Leadership Capabilities linked to Leadership Roadmap goals for all platform users
- Business Outcomes linked to Leadership Roadmap goals for all platform users
💡 Tip: Leadership Roadmap Tip!
The Leadership Roadmap feature in the Sounding Board dashboard allows users to outline, track their leadership development objectives and document progress toward their goals, driving the focus of their developmental journey. To gain additional insights into the Leadership Roadmap Statistics within the Mentoring Insights Dashboard encourage users to actively use the Leadership Roadmap within their mentoring engagements. Here are a few articles that can help -
- The Theory Behind the Leadership Roadmap
- How to Leverage the Leadership Roadmap as a Coach or Mentor
Impact Tab
15. Impact - Survey Completion Overview
This section shows an overview of your surveys across your programs for all active and completed engagements.
- Average Survey Completion Rate - The percentage of all surveys that have been sent and then completed by all engagement users
- Average Survey Completion Rate by Mentors - The percentage of all surveys that have been sent and then completed by mentors
- Average Survey Completion Rate by Mentees - The percentage of all surveys that have been sent and then completed by mentees
- Survey Completion: Mentors - Shows the completion percentages broken down by specific survey for mentors
- Survey Completion: Mentees - Shows the completion percentages broken down by specific survey for mentees
16. Impact - Mentoring Experience
These cards provide a comprehensive view of the mentoring relationship from both perspectives, combining mentee feedback throughout the engagement.
- Mentee Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship ⚠️- Mentee Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship summarizes feedback on mentor interactions, tracking mentee satisfaction and relationship progress across multiple engagement stages.
- Mentor Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship ⚠️- Mentor Perceptions of the Mentoring Relationship presents a snapshot of mentor feedback on their experiences with mentees, collected at various points during the engagement to gauge overall satisfaction and effectiveness.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
17. Impact - Mentoring Experience (cont.)
- Mentor Net Promoter Score (NPS) ⚠️- Displays the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for mentors based on mentee feedback. Mentees are surveyed after their first and final sessions, answering the question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend your mentor to others?" The most recent response from each mentee is used to calculate this score, providing an up-to-date measure of mentor satisfaction and effectiveness.
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (scores 0-6) from the percentage of promoters (scores 9-10). The results are color-coded for quick interpretation:
- Red: Scores from -100 to 0 (Needs significant improvement)
- Yellow: Scores from 1 to 30 (Room for enhancement)
- Light Green: Scores from 31 to 70 (Good performance)
- Dark Green: Scores from 71 to 100 (Excellent performance)
💡 Tip: Further NPS Information
If you are interested in understanding NPS more deeply, we recommend starting with Measuring Your Net Promoter Score.
18. Impact - Leadership Development
This section assesses the impact of mentoring on job performance, showcasing both mentees' self-reported growth and mentors' observations of their mentees' improvement throughout the engagement.
- Mentee and Mentor Perceptions of Job Performance ⚠️- Tracks self-reported and observed improvements in job performance attributed to the mentoring program, measured at both midpoint and conclusion of engagements.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
19. Impact - Leadership Development (cont.)
- Mentee Job Perception ⚠️ - Tracks the mentees' assessment of their perceptions of their job before and after mentoring.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
20. Impact - Leadership Development (cont.)
- Mentee Perceptions of Being Challenges to Grow as a Leader ⚠️- Tracks mentees' assessments of their leadership growth challenges throughout the mentoring process, measured at both the midpoint and conclusion of engagements.
- Mentor Perceptions of Leadership Development ⚠️- Captures mentors' self-reported gains in their own leadership capabilities as a result of the mentoring experience, evaluated at both the midpoint and end of engagements.
Note: You can hover to see further details on visuals.
21. Impact - Leadership Development (cont.)
- Leadership Capability Growth ⚠️- This card offers aggregate details that visualize mentees' leadership capability growth throughout their engagement. It offers a clear and intuitive representation of progress. It allows stakeholders to track and analyze the development of leadership capabilities over time, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of the mentoring program in fostering leadership growth.
Note: You will see the top 5, but can see more by tapping the "View All" option. Also, you can hover to see further details on visuals.
22. Impact - Program Satisfaction
These cards showcase the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for the overall mentoring program. At the conclusion of each mentoring engagement, both mentees and mentors are asked: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this mentoring program to others?" This comprehensive feedback provides a balanced view of program satisfaction from both perspectives, offering valuable insights into the program's effectiveness and areas for potential improvement.
- Program Net Promoter Score (NPS) - Mentees ⚠️
- Program Net Promoter Score (NPS) - Mentors ⚠️
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (scores 0-6) from the percentage of promoters (scores 9-10). The results are color-coded for quick interpretation:
- Red: Scores from -100 to 0 (Needs significant improvement)
- Yellow: Scores from 1 to 30 (Room for enhancement)
- Light Green: Scores from 31 to 70 (Good performance)
- Dark Green: Scores from 71 to 100 (Excellent performance)
23. Impact - Program Satisfaction (cont.)
- Being a Mentor Net Promoter Score (NPS) ⚠️- This card displays the average score of mentors' responses to the question about if they would recommended being a mentor to others.
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors (scores 0-6) from the percentage of promoters (scores 9-10). The results are color-coded for quick interpretation:
- Red: Scores from -100 to 0 (Needs significant improvement)
Yellow: Scores from 1 to 30 (Room for enhancement)
Light Green: Scores from 31 to 70 (Good performance) - Dark Green: Scores from 71 to 100 (Excellent performance)