- Curated Resource Library
- Adding Session Resources
- Attaching Files in Chat
- Ability to Upload Assessments
- Homepage Resource Management – Configurable by Tenant/Subtenant or by User Role
Curated Resource Library [PREMIUM]
Provides a space within the software for admins, coaches, and/or mentors of the same workspace to collectively curate leadership development resources that may be valuable to share during engagements. Creates a sense of community among users and collaboration within the platform by giving coaches or mentors access to resources curated by their peers that they may not have previously had in their repository. Allows coaches and mentors to enhance their engagements by being able to share resources tailored to their coachee or mentee's development.
Ability for admins and coaches or mentors to add shared resources [PREMIUM]
- Ability to add a resource to the curated resource library (CRL) viewable by other coaches and mentors. Resources added to the CRL can be shared with coachees or mentees. Users are prompted to provide a description, media type, leadership level, leadership level, source, and time duration for the resource.
Ability for coaches or mentors to add private resources [PREMIUM]
- Ability to add a resource to the curated resource library (CRL) viewable to coachees or mentees but is not accessible or visible to other coaches or mentors. Users are prompted to provide a description, media type, leadership level, leadership level, source, and time duration for the resource.
Ability for coaches/mentors to share resources with coachees/mentees [PREMIUM]
- For any resources added to the CRL, the coach or mentor can share it with their 1:1 and group coachee(s) or mentees and add a note. Users will receive a notification when a resource has been shared with them and they will be able to access the resource in their resource library.
Ability for coachees/mentees to view resources shared [PREMIUM]
- Coachees and mentees can view resources shared with them on a dedicated "My Resources" page within the platform. Users have the option to search for or filter by Leadership Capability or media type.
Adding Session Resources [BASE]
Users can add a resource to an upcoming or previous session to supplement discussions.
Attaching Files in Chat [BASE]
Users have the ability to attach a file to send through chat.
Ability to Upload Assessments [BASE]
Allows for assessments to be uploaded and viewed by the coach and coachee so they can be incorporated into the coaching and further deepen the coaching conversations.
Coachees can upload completed external assessments to their profile page to share with their coach. Coaches also can upload an assessment on behalf of the coachee.
Homepage Resource Management – Configurable by Tenant/Subtenant or by User Role [PREMIUM]
Creates a customized user experience by ensuring that the user has access to resources that are most relevant to them. Having useful and informative resources can be valuable in establishing a good start to the user’s experience.
A customer can provide custom resources that would be displayed on a user's homepage based on their tenant, subtenant, or role. The resources can replace or appear alongside the default Sounding Board resources.
* Available as a premium add-on to a customer's contract for any package or module.
** Customer can provide Sounding Board team with the resource(s), image, and title/description to upload for a specific tenant/subtenant or user role and the Sounding Board team will upload the resource.