- Managing Multiple Workspaces
- Co-Branding – Upload Company Logo and Align Brand Color
- User Management
- Notification Log
- Configurable Leadership Level Names
- Delegate User Management
- Coach Management
- Mentoring User Management
- Program Builder & Program Management (For All Coaching and Mentoring Programs)
- Configuration of Program Surveys
- Session Management
- Ability to Upload Assessments
- Ability to Upload Coachee Files
- Homepage Resource Management – Configurable by Tenant/Subtenant or by User Role
- Engagement Management
- Mobile Experience
- Virtual User Help/Support
- Data Security and Privacy
Managing Multiple Workspaces [BASE]
Workspace Switcher [BASE]
- Users who are enrolled in multiple leadership development programs can access each program from a single login and switch between experiences. Workspaces are organized to allow users to focus on the development experience in which they are immediately engaged.
- Provides the user with the ability to switch between multiple workspaces through a single login. This applies to users who may have multiple logins to access different workspaces for the programs.
Auto-fill onboarding [BASE]
- Users can save time by using the auto-fill onboarding feature, which automatically populates answers based on previously completed onboarding forms.
- Users who are in multiple workspaces will need to complete onboarding for each workspace. Upon initial onboarding of a new workspace, the user will have the option to use their existing information from the original workspace to auto-fill their information. The user can still edit any auto-filled information if they wish.
Notifications for multiple workspace users [BASE]
- Allows users to receive the appropriate notification for the appropriate leadership development program they are a part of between mentoring and coaching.
- When a multi-workspace user receives an email notification, the link in the email will automatically take the user to the correct workspace to which the notification applies. Additionally, if a user is in one workspace and receives an in-app notification in their other workspace, there will be a pink notification icon located on their workspace switcher.
Co-Branding – Upload Company Logo and Align Brand Color [PREMIUM]
Configure the user experience to include the customer’s logo and brand color as a way to make the software cohesive with the customer’s branding and for users to readily recognize that their company partners with Sounding Board.
Admins can upload their company logo and update the color of the top header navigation bar. The logo will be displayed alongside the Sounding Board logo within the application and the color of the top header navigation bar can be updated to be aligned with their brand colors. To maintain accessibility standards, changes to color can only be applied to the top header navigation bar.
* Available as a premium add-on to a customer's contract for any package or module.
** Available to Guide, Expand, and Transform customers.
User Management [BASE] [BASE*] [PREMIUM]
User account profiles (and global IDs) and ability to hide/remove profile fields [BASE*]
- Ability to hide or display the age, pronouns, and Global ID fields in the user profile.
Collect basic user information, which helps inform coach or mentor matching. In addition, adds some ability to configure which fields are displayed so that only user information relevant to the customer is collected.
- Ability to hide or display the age, pronouns, and Global ID fields in the user profile.
Manual ability to add users (Individually), edit users, and deactivate users [BASE]
- Allows admins to ensure all user information is accurate and up to date and remove inactive or other users who no longer require access to their Sounding Board account.
- Ability for admins to add new users individually, edit user info, assign a role(s), and deactivate their account.
Bulk user upload capabilities [BASE]
- Streamlines user account creation by allowing admins to create multiple accounts simultaneously and automatically add users to programs and engagements.
- For admins, the ability to bulk upload users using a downloadable template into the application.
Bulk engagement management capabilities [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to edit engagement information in bulk. Streamlines the process of editing engagements.
Visibility into users through the Engagement table [BASE]
- Provides visibility into engagements across programs and the ability to make updates to the engagements as needed.
- Engagement table provides admin users with a list of active engagements for their workspace (1:1 Coaching Engagements, Group Coaching Engagements, On-Demand Coaching Engagements, and/or Mentoring Engagements) and features to help track and manage the engagements.
Creation of subtenants (Companies) [PREMIUM]
- For customers who manage the leadership development experiences of other companies, this allows admins to separate programs by company, making it easier to track and manage each company’s leadership program.
- Ability for admin users to create a subtenant (company). Upon creation of a subtenant, admins are directed to fill out the company profile.
Notification Log [BASE]
Admins have the ability to view, send, and re-send any notifications to support the management of the engagement.
List of all system notifications [BASE]
- From the Settings tab of the Notifications page, admins can see a list of all in-app and email notifications in the system. Admins can also view detailed information relevant to the notification, such as when the notification is sent, the users it's sent to, as well as the content of the notification.
Viewing sent notifications [BASE]
- From the Records tab in the Notifications table, admins can view all notifications that have been sent to users and the date and time the notification was sent. Admins can use the search function to search for a user by email to see all the notifications that the user has received.
Resending default notifications [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to resend a notification to a user.
Configurable Leadership Level Names [BASE]
Allows companies to use their own internal language to define leadership levels and configure the user experience to align with internal messaging for a better user experience.
Ability to customize the leadership level name for coaches and coachees (Level 0-4).
* Admin needs to inform the Sounding Board team of the custom level names to use and the configuration is done by engineering or product.
Delegate User Management [BASE*]
Allows users to provide easy access for another individual, such as an Executive Assistant, who manages their calendar and scheduling; individuals can be given a delegate account to manage the scheduling aspects of an engagement on behalf of the user.
* Feature can be disabled upon request.
** Only available for 1:1 coaching modules.
Managing sessions on behalf of primary user [BASE*]
- A delegate can be assigned to a coach or coachee user to manage sessions on the user's behalf. Delegates only have access to schedule, reschedule, cancel, or view sessions. Delegates do not have access to view any private engagement data (chat, LRM, surveys).
Ability to view coachee's delegate user [BASE*]
- In the My Coachees table, a coach can see a coachee's delegate user and has the ability to copy their email address, if needed.
Coach Management [BASE] [BASE*] [PREMIUM]
Set 1:1 and group coach capacity (By seats or hours) [BASE*] [PREMIUM]
- Allows admins the ability to configure how coaches set and manage their capacity according to the customer's preferences.
- Ability for coaches to set a maximum capacity for 1:1 and group coaching engagements by seats or hours. The default is capacity by seats, but capacity by hours can be enabled.
When enabled, coach capacity is adjusted according to the number of hours admins designate per coachee during program creation.
* Capacity by seats is a base feature.
** Capacity by hours is available as a premium add-on to a customer's contract for coaching modules.
Admin ability to edit coach-provided profile information [BASE]
- Allows admins to manage a coach’s profile. Helps create consistency by allowing admins to confirm only relevant and necessary information is included in the coach’s profile.
- Coaches are asked to fill out a profile to share their background, experience, and qualifications. Admins can edit any of the information provided by the coach.
Ability to set level of leaders for coaches [BASE]
- Not all coaches may be suitable to coach all levels of leaders in an organization. With the ability to set the level of leaders for a coach, admins can ensure that a coach is only being matched with coachees who fall within or below that level.
- Admins can assign levels to coaches determining the level of coachees eligible to be assigned to each coach.
Mentoring User Management [BASE]
Admin ability to edit mentoring profile information [BASE]
- Allows admins to manage mentor and mentee's profile. Helps create consistency by allowing admins to confirm only relevant and necessary information is included in the mentoring profiles.
- Mentors and mentees are asked to fill out a mentoring profile to share their background and goals for a mentoring relationship. Admins have the ability to edit the information in a mentor or mentee's profile.
Program Builder & Program Management (For All Coaching and Mentoring Programs) [BASE]
Configurable program settings (Length, duration, max sessions, upload of program resources, configuration of Leadership Capabilities, configuration of surveys, etc) [BASE]
- Allows admins to create and configure various types of programs that align with their leadership development experience(s).
- Ability for admins to create programs and define the program's settings. Program settings include program name, description, dates, length of program/engagement, session duration, max # of sessions, matching type, program resources, leadership capabilities, and surveys.
Configuration of Leadership Capabilities [BASE]
- Allows admins to customize Leadership Capabilities to align with the company’s internal leadership capabilities or leverage Sounding Board's standardized set. Customization at the program level enables programs to focus on the set of capabilities that the leadership development opportunity or program is designed to facilitate.
- Admins can customize and configure Leadership Capabilities at both the Company Level (for their workspace) and the Program level. When programs are created, the Company Level Capabilities will be auto-populated into the Program, but admins can configure the Program Leadership Capabilities.
Ability to set matching criteria among a selection of items [BASE]
- Allows admins the option to filter down the selection of coaches or mentors to better align with various needs of the user or program and generate a more concentrated selection of matches. The filter can automatically be applied to the program matching, reducing the administrative manual burden.
- For admins, the option to filter the selection of coaches or mentors by primary language, time zone, leadership level, assessments and certifications, and industry experience.
Ability to create program templates [BASE]
- Reduces the workload of admins and eases the burden of setting up the same program multiple times. Admins can feel assured that programs have the same setup and configurations as a previous program.
- Admins can create templates for 1:1 Programs, Group Programs, and Mentoring Programs. Admins can pre-configure the program settings, surveys, resources, and leadership capabilities.
Program self-enrollment [BASE]
- Allows admins to provide coaching or mentoring to all employees without needing to add each user into a program individually. Users can self-register for a Sounding Board account and self-enroll into a coaching or mentoring program should they wish to engage with a coach or mentor.
- When enabled for a tenant, admins can enable self-enrollment for a program. Coachee or mentee users can enroll in a program with self-enrollment from their dashboard. Once enrolled in a program, the user will go through the matching flow set at the program level.
Creation of Program Profiles [BASE]
- Allows admins to share information with coaches about the program to ensure that they are equally aligned on the program's organizational context, purpose, and desired outcomes.
- Admins provide program information so coaches and mentors understand the program objectives, outcomes, expectations, and recent news/updates. Admins can choose to email the coaches or mentors notifying them when edits are made to the profile.
Configuration of Program Surveys [BASE]
Default surveys for programs [BASE]
- Reduces the burden of admins to create their own surveys by allowing access to Sounding Board’s default set of surveys. Sounding Board brings world-class evaluation methodology to help you monitor your program, determine the success of the program, and tell the data story of the program’s impact.
Sounding Board’s surveys have been grounded in the New World Kirkpatrick Model and Phillips Models of Evaluation, the standard models for evaluating the results of programs, especially training and development. The more widely known Kirkpatrick model only measures levels 1 to 4 of training evaluation, while the Phillips model augments this with level 5: The ROI. - Sounding Board's default set of surveys for 1:1 coaching, group coaching, or mentoring can be imported into a workspace to be used by customers.
- Reduces the burden of admins to create their own surveys by allowing access to Sounding Board’s default set of surveys. Sounding Board brings world-class evaluation methodology to help you monitor your program, determine the success of the program, and tell the data story of the program’s impact.
Survey builder, including trigger settings, recipient settings, and visibility settings [BASE]
- Allows for customization of Sounding Board’s default set of surveys and/or any custom surveys admins would like to send to their users. Note: any customized questions or surveys added are unavailable within the standard in-app reporting, but data can be exported.
- Admin can create custom surveys or add custom survey questions, define trigger settings, recipient settings, and visibility settings.
- Trigger settings include: session #, on program launch, on engagement launch, X sessions before max session, engagement end, and after every session
- Recipient settings include: coachee, coach, coachee's manager, mentee, mentor, or specific user(s)
- Visibility settings include: coachee, coach, manager, mentee, mentor, stakeholder/sponsor
Session Management [BASE]
Provides configurable options for the management of sessions so that users can effectively use the Sounding Board software to schedule and engage within the session.
Configure session type (Phone, video conferencing links, MS Teams integration) [BASE]
- By default, when scheduling a session a user will have the option to select phone or video conference as an option for their session. Users can link their MS Teams account and select the software when scheduling video conferencing. When a delegate schedules for a coach/coachee with Teams, the session will be scheduled with their primary user's link.
Ability to manage sessions [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to manage sessions on behalf of a coach and coachee or mentor and mentee user. From the Sessions tab in a user's profile, the admin can add, cancel, or reschedule a session on behalf of a user.
Session Audit Log [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to see a detailed history of changes made to a session, including when and who scheduled, rescheduled, cancelled, excused, logged, or removed a session; and whether an event was successfully created on a user's calendar.
Ability to Upload Assessments [BASE]
Allows for assessments to be uploaded and viewed by the coach and coachee and be incorporated into the coaching and further deepen conversations.
If a coachee has completed an external assessment that they want to share with their coach, they can upload the assessment to their profile page. Coaches can also upload an assessment on behalf of the coachee.
Ability to Upload Coachee Files [BASE]
Allows for instances where a coach may wish to upload a file relevant to an engagement for admin or future coaches of that engagement to view, but may not necessarily be appropriate for the coachee themselves to view.
For coaches, the ability to upload files to a coachee's engagement. Coachees do not have the ability to view the uploaded files.
Homepage Resource Management – Configurable by Tenant/Subtenant or by User Role [PREMIUM]
Creates a customized user experience by ensuring that the user has access to resources that are most relevant to them. With the homepage being the first page that a user sees, having useful and informative resources can be valuable in establishing a good start to the user’s experience.
The ability to provide custom resources to be displayed on a user's homepage based on their tenant, subtenant, or role. Resources can replace or appear alongside the default Sounding Board resources.
* Available as a premium add-on to a customer's contract for any package or module.
** Customer can provide Sounding Board team with the resource(s), image, and title/description to upload for a specific tenant/subtenant or user role, and the Sounding Board team will upload the resource. We accept all file formats.
Engagement Management [BASE]
Allows admins to make necessary updates to engagements to ensure they are up to date and accurately reflect the current status of the users and engagement.
Pausing engagements [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to pause a coachee's 1:1 engagement for a specified duration, prevents the coach/coachee from scheduling sessions during that time. Engagement end dates will be adjusted accordingly.
Completing engagements [BASE]
- Users can mark a 1:1 Coaching or Mentoring engagement complete if the engagement ends prior to the engagement end date. Completing an engagement will remove the ability for the users to interact with each other (chat, scheduling, viewing profile).
Manually triggering surveys and reminders [BASE]
- Admins can view the schedule of surveys to be sent to coach and coachee users throughout an engagement. They can also trigger a survey or reminder to be sent.
Editing engagement details (dates, max sessions, stakeholders) [BASE]
- For admins, the ability to edit the details of a specific coaching engagement. Includes: engagement start and end dates, max # of sessions, session duration, and stakeholders for a specific engagement.
Mobile Experience [BASE]
Allow users to access the Sounding Board software on the go. Users can conveniently chat or manage their upcoming sessions while away from their computer.
Viewing Upcoming Sessions [BASE]
- A mobile-optimized experience to view their homepage and any upcoming sessions.
Scheduling & Managing Sessions [BASE]
- A mobile-optimized experience to schedule, reschedule, and cancel sessions.
Chat [BASE]
- A mobile-optimized experience to chat.
Virtual User Help/Support [BASE]
Users can self-serve and learn how to best leverage the Sounding Board software. In addition, users can access Sounding Board’s dedicated support team to feel supported in ensuring that any questions or concerns can be quickly addressed.
Virtual knowledge base of software tutorials and help articles [BASE]
- Access to the SB Help Articles within Zendesk and the ability to search through a vast library of articles and tutorials to self-serve questions they may have about how to use the platform.
Virtual ticketing system to connect with Sounding Board customer support teams [BASE]
- Access to the SB customer support team to ask questions, report a bug, or submit an enhancement request.
Data Security and Privacy [BASE]
Customers can feel assured that their data is properly secured and stored. Sounding Board takes customer data security and privacy seriously and takes various measures to ensure information processed is being properly handled.
SOC2 Type 2 compliant [BASE]
- SOC 2 Type 2 report affirms the suitability and effectiveness of Sounding Board’s information security controls over time and provides added assurance about the confidentiality and privacy of the information processed by the company.
- SOC 2 Type 2 report affirms the suitability and effectiveness of Sounding Board’s information security controls over time and provides added assurance about the confidentiality and privacy of the information processed by the company.
Aggregate reporting to protect private information [BASE]
- Sounding Board anonymizes data when or if sharing data externally to protect user information. Upon request, customers can request to delete users from the system who are no longer active and Sounding Board will remove their account and anonymize all personally identifiable information.
- Sounding Board anonymizes data when or if sharing data externally to protect user information. Upon request, customers can request to delete users from the system who are no longer active and Sounding Board will remove their account and anonymize all personally identifiable information.
GDPR Compliant [BASE]
- When creating reports on customer data, SB aggregates customer and user data to protect the anonymity of users.
- When creating reports on customer data, SB aggregates customer and user data to protect the anonymity of users.
Session Timeout [BASE]
- Users that are logged into the Sounding Board platform, but are are inactive after a period of time, will be automatically logged out of their account for security purposes.
* Sounding Board's default session timeout timeframe is 7 days. Expand customers may request to configure this timeframe based on their security requirements. Customers will need to inform Sounding Board of the desired timeframe and the Sounding Board team will apply it to the workspace.
- Users that are logged into the Sounding Board platform, but are are inactive after a period of time, will be automatically logged out of their account for security purposes.