This guide provides essential insights into coaching engagement metrics on the Sounding Board platform, allowing users to effectively track session utilization, participant satisfaction, and program health. It offers detailed filtering options for analyzing data, visual representations of engagement trends, and tools for exporting information. By leveraging these insights, organizations can enhance their coaching initiatives and maximize developmental outcomes, making it a valuable resource for stakeholders involved in coaching programs.
Interactive Walkthrough
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Written Walkthrough
1. Navigate to and log in as an Admin, Sponsor, or Stakeholder.
The Engagement Insights tab provides an overview of how users engage with the Sounding Board platform, focusing on coaching session utilization and initial program satisfaction ratings.
For further details on coaching insights in general, see Coaching Insights Overview.
2. Navigate to Onboarding Insights -
- Click "Engagement"
3. Coaching Insights Dashboard Filtering
The coaching insights dashboard can be filtered by Module and Program
- Click "Filters"
- Select the Modules(s) and/or Program(s)
- Close the side-panel
4. Coaching Insights Dashboard Filtering
Filter selections appear as chips above the dashboard for easy reference. To remove any filters -
- Click the ✖️ (remove x) button on the chip OR
- Click "Filters" and "Reset Filters"
- Close the side-panel
Session Utilization
5. Overall 1:1 Session Utilization 🗃️
This card displays the percentage of completed coaching sessions compared to the expected number of sessions, based on a standard pace of two sessions per month. The calculation includes all coachees in both active and completed 1:1 engagements.
Calculation Method:
- Tracks coachees who have completed at least one session
- Measures time between first and most recent sessions (minimum 15-day span)
- Compares actual completed sessions against expected bi-monthly sessions
- Includes data from both active and completed engagements
The percentage shown represents how effectively allotted coaching sessions are being utilized across all 1:1 coaching programs.
6. Drill-Down Option
Certain cards have the ability to drill down to see further details; moving forward, any card with drill-down abilities will show 🗃️ to note the ability. To drill down, on the upper right of the card -
- Click the table icon
7. Drill-Down Option, cont.
Filters can be set at the drill-down level to narrow down the data being displayed. On the column header -
- Click the 🔽 down carrot
- Click "Clear" to deselect all OR
- Select/deselect options manually
- Click "OK" to set the filter(s)
8. Drill-Down Option, cont.
Drill-down data can be exported to a CSV for further manipulation if desired.
- Click "Export CSV"
When you are complete with the drill-down data -
- Click "Close"
9. Average Group Session Attendance 🗃️
This card shows the average attendance rate for group coaching sessions across all programs. The percentage represents how many coachees, out of all participants in group coaching programs, are marked as present during completed sessions.
The calculation includes attendance data from both active and completed group coaching engagements, based on logged session records.
10. Coachee Late 1:1 Cancellations 🗃️ ⚙️
This card displays the percentage of 1:1 coaching sessions that were cancelled by coachees within 24 hours of the scheduled start time. The calculation is based on all coachee-initiated cancellations across all 1:1 engagements; it only includes coachee-initiated cancellations, not those initiated by coaches.
⚙️ Note: Visibility of this card depends on cancellation tracking settings. Contact to learn more about enabling this feature.
11. Coachee Tracking Status 🗃️ ⚙️
This card shows the distribution of engagement status across all active coachees, categorized into four tracking states. Data is displayed as a donut chart showing both the percentage and total number of coachees in each status.
⚙️ Note: This card is only visible when the Engagement Tracking Status feature is enabled. For more detailed status information, refer to the Engagements page.
💡 Tip: Across cards, you can hover to see further details on visuals.
🚨 Alert: Tracking Status
Statuses are defined as -
- Onboarding: During the first month, a coachee is onboarding into coaching. To stay on track, the coachee should schedule the initial session during this time.
- On Track: A coaching session has occurred within the past 17 days and upcoming sessions are scheduled.
At Risk: A coaching session has occurred within the past 17 days, but there are no upcoming sessions scheduled in the next 17 days.
Off Track: No coaching sessions have occurred in the past 18 days and there are no sessions scheduled in the future.
12. Session Status
This card presents a rolling 12-month timeline of coaching session activity, showing historical completion rates and future scheduling patterns. The view encompasses five past months, the current month, and six upcoming months, including data from both active and completed engagements.
13. Average Sessions Completed per Month and Completed Sessions (past 12 months)
Average Sessions Completed per Month
This card displays the monthly average of completed coaching sessions, calculated across both active and completed engagements for the past 12 months.
Completed Sessions (Past 12 Months)
This card shows the total number of coaching sessions completed within the previous 12-month period, including data from both active and completed engagements.
14. Average Completed Sessions
This card displays the monthly average of completed sessions per engagement, measuring session completion rates across all engagements active in that period.
15. Engagement Add-Ons ⚙️
These cards track coachee participation in enhanced development experiences -
Coachees with Logged Manager Alignment Conversation 🗃️ - Shows the percentage of eligible coachees who have completed at least one manager alignment conversation. Only includes coachees in programs where this feature is enabled.
Coachees with Logged Assessment Debrief 🗃️ - Shows the percentage of eligible coachees who have completed at least one assessment debrief session. Only includes coachees in programs where this feature is enabled.**
⚙️ Note: Visibility of these cards depends on additional add-ons. Contact to learn more about utilizing these supplemental features.
Initial Impressions
🚨 Alert: Insights from Surveys
Sounding Board empowers customers with a science-backed evaluation methodology to monitor program health, track leader development, and demonstrate the impact of these initiatives on your organization. Our pre-designed, core survey experiences support the 5 levels of measurement evaluation, offering a comprehensive 180-degree view of your leader development experiences.
Our insights dashboards leverage this pre-configured survey data, presenting it on easy-to-read cards for quick visualization. It's important to note that custom surveys or individual questions created don't automatically populate these dashboards; we've carefully mapped specific questions from the core surveys and their answers to display the most relevant information.
This curation process ensures you receive pertinent, actionable data tailored to enhance the effectiveness of your coaching programs. By streamlining administration and reporting through in-app insights aligned with our evaluation methodology, we provide you with valuable, easily accessible information to maximize the benefits of your coaching initiatives.
For more information, see Sounding Board's Core Surveys.
Moving forward, any card data pulled directly from core surveys will be marked with ⚠️.
16. Coach Match Satisfaction ⚠️
Displays average coachee ratings of initial coach compatibility on a 0-100 scale. Data is drawn from completed surveys across both active and completed engagements.
⚠️ Core Survey Information
- Survey: Coachee Compass Check
Question: My coach is a good match for me.
- Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement above using the scale provided (0-100).
Note: All satisfaction metrics are calculated using only completed survey responses.
17. Initial Engagement Satisfaction ⚠️
Displays average coachee ratings of early program satisfaction on a 0-100 scale. Data is drawn from completed surveys across both active and completed engagements.
⚠️ Core Survey Information
- Survey: Coachee Compass Check
Question: My coaching is off to a good start.
- Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement above using the scale provided (0-100)
Note: All satisfaction metrics are calculated using only completed survey responses.